- Free Icons無料のフリーアイコン
- Commercial Use商用利用も可能
- Pixel Perfectピクセルに沿った高い明瞭性
- Pixel & Vector画像とベクター形式
- One Styleひとつのスタイルで迷わない
- Simple Designシンプルで飽きないデザイン
Everyday Icons is a material distribution site where you can download icon materials for commercial use for free. The icons distributed on this site can be used on websites, mobile apps, graphic designs, videos, and any other media.
Created by Shinya Inamura, a designer from Japan. Distributing simple and user-friendly icons that you will never get tired of using every day.
In 1998, I started the site with a web server for students while I was at Niigata University, and for about 20 years after that, I continued to update and designed material data such as icons, wallpapers, patterns etc. according to that era. Has been distributed free of charge. Currently, we are distributing simple line icons as PNG images with transparent background and vector SVG format files.
The icons that can be downloaded on this site can be used free of charge for any media such as mobile apps, websites, graphic designs, and videos, regardless of personal or commercial use.
I hope that creators around the world will become a creative tool that they will use everyday, as is normal.
The icons are increasing, so please follow us on Twitter and Instagram to check them out. If you like it, please share it on SNS etc. and it will be encouraging.